All round good'un: Daffodils! Most supermarkets sell daffodils bundles for just £1, or you can get things like little tubs of tete a tetes (the tiny ones) for around £1-2. These may be a good gift for someone who doesn't like chocolate, or just for yourself to brighten up the place.
Asda have this lovely looking trio of milky style, white and dark chocolate eggs for £4.50. Looks nice as a gift on it's own, or could be split up.

Morrisons also have their own eggs, for £2.50 you can get an egg with truffles, in milky, white or dark.

Often Morrisons do a 3 for £10 on Moo Free eggs too. This hasn't happened yet but if it does, I'll update the blog!
Sainsbury's have milky and white, but also strawberry and white chocolate. Each are £3.50, so getting a bit expensive, but interesting flavour!

They also have 'Rhythm' mini egg bags for £1.25. I think you get 6 mini eggs.

Holland and Barrett have their own milk style egg for £2.99, which includes a little chocolate bar.
H and B also have Plamil/So Free products, such as these mini half eggs and larger white chocolate egg, both £2.99.
Non-egg chocolate!
Moo free have some lovely little chocolate bars of 'Rosie Rabbit' for around 99p depending on where you buy it (Asda are 99p!)

Asda also has this bigger bunny for £3!

Whatcha think?! Lots to choose from this year, it's always expanding, which is great! Have I missed anything? If so, let me know and I'll add it and credit you!
Hope this helps!